Caring for Mom through her final years doesn’t mean you have to put your life on hold. 


There’s no manual on how to make Mom happy when you’re tasked with her care needs and trying to live your own life. 

You’ve got a lot on your plate already. 

And now that Mom needs help with her life, you’re starting to freak out about yours. But there is one thing I know for certain -- You want to know that you’re doing the right thing for her. But how do you know?

Have you ever fantasized about having someone call you and say, “You’re making EXCELLENT decisions. Now do this next.” Then you get a list of instructions on how to best manage your Mom’s care for her remaining years? 

 The call isn’t coming. But you don’t need it to.

No amount of resentment will:

  • Get your siblings to work together to get Mom taken care of.

  • Help Mom realize what you’re sacrificing to make sure she’s safe.

  • Prepare you for her eventual death.

 That’s where I come in. 


I’m Mary Remmes and I help women caring for their elderly parents find relief from the pressure of needing to do enough and do it right.

I help adult daughters, just like you, figure out how to care for their Mom’s in a way that honors them, all while enjoying this phase of your own life with grandkids, traveling and living your own life. 

With 10+ years in nursing home administration and certification from The Life Coach School, I have taught so many women experiencing caring for their Mom’s to heal shame, guilt and become more mindful during one of the most intense relationships in their lives.

 Caring for your aging Mom doesn’t change your relationship with her - it INTENSIFIES it. I can help.

This work is not for the faint of heart. But the women that choose to work with me learn that no amount of controlling the outside world or getting Mom to just do what they say will relieve the fear of not doing it right. It all starts with booking your first call to see what coaching with me is all about.

  • Step One

    After our initial call, you will understand how I can help you cut your anxiety and overwhelm in HALF for your specific situation. We schedule 12 weeks of private coaching sessions tailored specifically to you.

  • Step Two

    Each week, you learn to navigate your relationship with Mom and her care to create a confidence blueprint. You have the exact plan to work WITH your brain instead of against it to decide levels of care, relationships with siblings and how to make the next best decision.

  • Step Three

    After 12 weeks together, your capacity for love and well being will be at an all time high. You will be able to manage your Mom’s care without being drained. And there’s a good chance the rest of your relationships will benefit as well.

What People Are Saying


“Before my coaching calls with Mary, I felt a lot of anxiety but I wasn’t sure where or what the source was. I was feeling resentment, anger and frustration towards my siblings, and to some extent, toward my parents also. I did not feel as though I was giving my parents my very best self.

Now I feel empowered, more than anything. I feel as though I have the tools in my toolbelt to face each situation that arises with regard to the care of my parents and the ensuing discussions that I will have to have with my siblings.”

— Megan R.

Before my coaching calls with Mary, I felt, overwhelmed and unprepared to manage my mom’s care now and in the future.

Now I feel compassion for myself and for my mom, no matter what she says to me or about me. I have learned it is okay to feel both happy and sad. When I allow myself to cry the episode ends quickly and I feel compassion. I question my thoughts, whether they are true, and replace them with new a thought.”

— Heidi Q.

“I did personal coaching with Mary to help me with my relationship with my aging parents. It was beyond helpful. I see my frustration level much lower but more importantly I am able to enjoy my time with my parents so much more.

If you are open to looking at your thinking you will benefit greatly from working with Mary. Make whatever amount of time you have left with your parents the best for everyone. Thank you, Mary for all your support and instruction.”

— Vicki Z.


I want you to know that I’ve been through this too.

When my mom was diagnosed with dementia and began to decline, I felt like I should know exactly what to do because I’d built a career in long term care administration. And still I was unprepared for the range of feelings I felt about my mom on a weekly basis. 

My relationship with my mom wasn’t close. I felt guilty for not going back to see her more often and frustration on the occasions when I did because we didn’t agree on so many things. I loved her and yet it was so hard to be around her.

I thought that we had more time to work on our relationship. But we didn’t.

Getting coached was the only thing that healed my relationship with her. Even though she had passed away I could still change my relationship with her. I learned that every relationship we have is based on our thoughts about the person. I became very deliberate in the way I thought about her each day and began to shift my feelings away from guilt and resentment to acceptance and love for the exact mother that she was to me.

We’re not going to pretend there is a right way to do this. Each adult daughter relationship is different and I’m here with you every step of the way.

So pull up a chair and let’s get started.

Book a free consult session today and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.